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Get in Touch

Business Hours: 8am-4pm

1107 W. Call Street, Tallahassee, Fl 32306-4301


Letter of Recommendation Requests 

1. Email Dr. Olcaysoy Okten to inquire about her willingness and availability to write you a letter.  


2. Include a clear subject line (e.g., recommendation letter request for [your name]) in your requests. 


Please do so at least one month before your first deadline.  


Materials to be Provided by the Requester 


- Please share the following documents in one google drive folder with 


A google spreadsheet including 

  • each school to which you’re applying 

  • the type of program (e.g., social, clinical, I/O…) and the degree (Ph.D., Master’s) 

  • the due date of the letter of recommendation 

  • the faculty member(s) you are interested in working with (in the order of interest) 

  • A summary of the research activities that you have done in our lab (ideally one paragraph for each project, listing the topic and the specific tasks you completed) 

  • A Curriculum Vitæ 

  • Transcripts (unofficial copies are fine) 

  • GRE scores (if available) 

  • The statement of purpose or personal statement 

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